If you would like to volunteer in any way, please in please feel free to contact our Ministries as follows:
Praise & Worship Team (singers and musicians) - worship@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Women’s Discipleship MInistires - wdm@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Men's MInistries (Lifebuilders) - lifebuilders@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Youth & Discipleship MInistries - youth@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Children's MInistries - youth@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Discipleship through Learning - pastor@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Prayer MInistries - pastor@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
PA, Multimedia and Video (including livestreaming) - media@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Communications - (Web design, social media & print media) - news@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
Stewarding/Ushering - secretary@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk
If you are interested in assisting the local church in any other way, please contact the church secretary in the first instance:
Paulette Wright - secretary@ntcgnorthampton.org.uk