How to Donate

Joined up thinking from Payit™

What makes Payit™ better and different? You get to check out all your bank account balances at once. Then choose the one that suits you best to make an online payment. Sit back and watch Payit™ do the rest.

No need to login, sign up or get card details

Pay quickly and smoothly. No passwords and authorisation codes. Just log in via your usual online or mobile banking and choose the account you'd like to make your payment from. See it. Choose it. Payit™.

Payment Reference:

SURNAME, INITIAL followed by TYPE (Offering, Appeal, Youth etc.)

e.g. "SMITHJOFFERING" (maximum 18 characters)

Giving is a Biblical Principle

But remember this—if you give little, you will get little.

A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much. 

Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give.

Don’t force anyone to give more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes.

God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more

so that there will not only be enough for your own needs but plenty left over to give joyfully to others

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 - The Living Bible (TLB)

Upcoming Events

Sunday 9th February
11:00am - 1:00pm -
Sunday 16th February
11:00am - 1:00pm -
Sunday 2nd March
11:00am - 1:15pm -
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